Sunday 12 April 2009

AW(O)L in Patagonia

Well, I´m now ready for my next adventure... Am back in Puerto Natales waiting to meet up with James, the English guy who led our mountain trip whilst on the ranch. He´s spending a few weeks getting a horse fit to compete in an endurance race that takes place in Torres del Paine national park at the beginning of May, and has invited me along to do the same. How can I say no!?! Work have very kindly agreed to let me come back a bit later than planned (thankyou, thankyou!), and it´s a fantastic opportunity - riding in beautiful, remote countryside, and the chance to do something that is well and truly off the ´gringo trail´. Unfortunately the last I heard James was heading out to the estancia on Wednesday, and was supposed to come back here to pick me up yesterday, but rumour has it that he hired a regular car rather than a 4x4 and is now stuck in mud somewhere. It doesn´t bode well, but at least makes me realise that I need to allow days rather than hours to get out to catch my flight home, unless I want to arrive at the airport on horseback.

So, it looks like I will be disappearing off into the wilds of Patagonia again, living in a puesto (small hut made out of sticks - no kidding), cooking on an open fire. I must be mad, but I love the idea...

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